What is latent financial, social and intellectual capital?
it is the large increase in realisable market value when compared to the yield generated by the social rents, the likely repairs and maintenance commitment, and social housing grant associated with each property. Developed by housing association professionals, the intellectual property can be shared across registered providers to generate even larger social returns on investment
What do you mean by strategic asset management?
the formal plans, policies and socially responsible philosophy of extracting the correct value from each property asset, taking into account the difference between yield, return and correct valuation techniques
How is capital unlocked and how much are we talking about?
capital is unlocked every time a corporate transaction occurs – such as a stock transfer, swap, acquisition or disposal. Technical corporate finance and legal expertise ensures maximum value-add can be achieved. Sums unlocked are potentially larger than the undrawn covenanted debt capacity of many registered providers
Does every registered provider have unlocked capital?
the potential to unlock registered provider’s balance sheets is great. The evolution of the regulatory environment coupled with the more sophisticated approach taken by institutional investors and the rating agencies has increased the potential to generate large sums of corporate value
How do we find out how much potential we have?
the team from Seam Capital can produce a pilot study for the board following a high level valuation and legal title review of the asset base. This report will highlight the potential value to be unlocked – and the impact on the financial plan and investment opportunities appraised. This work will inform the board’s decision whether to proceed to a full asset management strategy proposal